Gee, James Paul. “Lo que nos enseñan los videojuegos sobre el aprendizaje y el alfabetismo”, 2004
Comentat a:
Prensky, Marc "Don't Bother me Mom - I'm Learning", 2006.
Comentat a:
McDougall, Julian i O'Brien, Wayne "Studying Videogames", 2008.
Comentat a:
dijous, 15 de gener del 2009
dimarts, 13 de gener del 2009
Conferència: Computer games and education
Dr Ben Williamson in
Becta Research Conference, November 2008
Becta Research Conference, November 2008
Are Tangible Interfaces Really Any Better Than Other Kinds of Interfaces?
Article de Paul Marshall, Yvonne Rogers and Eva Hornecker. Pervasive Interaction Lab, UK

Quatre planes de reflexió sobre els suposats beneficis dels tangibles interfaces en comparació ambels altres tipus d' interfaces (GUIs, veu)
Interessant el terme: ‘Shareable interfaces’ is a generic term that refers to technologies that are specifically designed to enable collocated groups to work on shared representations
Preguntes de la seva recerca:
(i) how can tangible interfaces facilitate learning
and (ii) how do shareable interfaces support more equitable participation in group settings?
(i) how can tangible interfaces facilitate learning
and (ii) how do shareable interfaces support more equitable participation in group settings?
Figura: conceptual framework that makes explicit all the various factors that can influence whether and how tangible interfaces might support learning
Making sweet music: The Educational Use of Computer Games
Article de: Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen
Fa una revisió dels estudis sobre computer games and education
Fa una revisió dels estudis sobre computer games and education
" The third generation is less interested in the actual content in computer games, but focus more on the students’ engagement with the computer game (Egenfeldt-Nielsen, 2005; Gee, 2003; Squire, 2004)."
Consulta: al Docs
dilluns, 12 de gener del 2009
The use of computer and video games for learning
A review of the literature. Alice Mitchell and Carol Savill-Smith . Ultralab
Dossier de 93 planes:
Seccions que recomano:
The findings of previous literature reviews/meta-analyses p.4
Opportunities with new and emerging technologies p.22
Engaging adolescents in learning p. 32
What are the recommendations for the planning and design of educational computer games (or ‘edugames’)? p. 47
Suggested areas for further research 61
Method used for finding research studies about learning with computer and video games p. 63
"..there is a lack of studies regarding educational games use by adolescents, some studies have methodological problems, and longitudinal studies are needed." (p.61)
Dossier de 93 planes:
Seccions que recomano:
The findings of previous literature reviews/meta-analyses p.4
Opportunities with new and emerging technologies p.22
Engaging adolescents in learning p. 32
What are the recommendations for the planning and design of educational computer games (or ‘edugames’)? p. 47
Suggested areas for further research 61
Method used for finding research studies about learning with computer and video games p. 63
"..there is a lack of studies regarding educational games use by adolescents, some studies have methodological problems, and longitudinal studies are needed." (p.61)
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