Presenta el que és una Pissarra Digital Interactiva. La segona part de l'article ens presenta la utilització de diferents aplicacions preparades per la pissarra SMART
dilluns, 30 de març del 2009
Las pizarras interactivas revolucionan las aulas
Notícia d'actualitat a
Explica el que són les pissarres interactives.
Explica el que són les pissarres interactives.
La pizarra interactiva en las aulas
Informe de REDES. Presenta el que són les pissarres interactives, tipologies, aplicacions i també les conclusions sobre un estudi fet a l'any 2006 sobre l'ús d'aquest recurs.
Les aplicacions i les opinions del professorat encaixen amb el que nosaltres havíem apuntat:
millora en la comunicació, possibilitat de col·laborar entre petits grups.
Com a inconvenients que s'assenyalen: la manca d'aplicacions o més ben dit la necessitat de trobar propostes imaginatives de l'ús d'aquest recurs. El temps que ha de dedicar el professor per a preparar els materials. Necessitat de canvi de mentalitat per a canviar la metodologia. Necessitat de formar-se per a utilitzar-lo.
També fa referència a altres estudis realitzats a U.S.A., Regne Unit i Austràlia.
Les aplicacions i les opinions del professorat encaixen amb el que nosaltres havíem apuntat:
millora en la comunicació, possibilitat de col·laborar entre petits grups.
Com a inconvenients que s'assenyalen: la manca d'aplicacions o més ben dit la necessitat de trobar propostes imaginatives de l'ús d'aquest recurs. El temps que ha de dedicar el professor per a preparar els materials. Necessitat de canvi de mentalitat per a canviar la metodologia. Necessitat de formar-se per a utilitzar-lo.
També fa referència a altres estudis realitzats a U.S.A., Regne Unit i Austràlia.
dimecres, 25 de març del 2009
Interactive whiteboards (article)
Interactive whiteboards can assist teachers, students, trainers, and district office personnel.
Whiteboard recorder software captures every step of students' work for later playback.
Here are several ideas for integrating whiteboards into the classroom.
- Recording
Record a video of a sequence of events at the board. From there, short movies can be made easily.
- Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers such as Inspiration can be projected for whole class viewing with an LCD projector
- Presentations
Presentations using software such as PowerPoint or KeyNote
- Interactive Software
Create hands-on, interactive lessons where students can manipulate objects, make decisions, and enter data
- Google Earth
Combine an interactive whiteboard with cutting-edge software such as Google Earth to provide an unparalleled experience in geography.
- Interactive Mathematics
The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives ( is exactly as the name implies, a library of virtual, onscreen mathematics manipulatives for students of all grade levels.
-Quizzes and Games
Some interactive whiteboard software can hide portions of the screen, to be revealed at your discretion (in the SmartBoard software it's called "screen shade"; in Mimio, "reveal"). Use this feature to create quizzes and games, with questions on the screen and answers hidden.
Whiteboard recorder software captures every step of students' work for later playback.
Here are several ideas for integrating whiteboards into the classroom.
- Recording
Record a video of a sequence of events at the board. From there, short movies can be made easily.
- Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers such as Inspiration can be projected for whole class viewing with an LCD projector
- Presentations
Presentations using software such as PowerPoint or KeyNote
- Interactive Software
Create hands-on, interactive lessons where students can manipulate objects, make decisions, and enter data
- Google Earth
Combine an interactive whiteboard with cutting-edge software such as Google Earth to provide an unparalleled experience in geography.
- Interactive Mathematics
The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives ( is exactly as the name implies, a library of virtual, onscreen mathematics manipulatives for students of all grade levels.
-Quizzes and Games
Some interactive whiteboard software can hide portions of the screen, to be revealed at your discretion (in the SmartBoard software it's called "screen shade"; in Mimio, "reveal"). Use this feature to create quizzes and games, with questions on the screen and answers hidden.
Open Cobalt
Is a free and open source virtual workspace browser and construction toolkit for accessing, creating, and publishing hyperlinked multi-user virtual environments.
See a demostration of Dr. Xunlei Wu testing Open Cobalt on a multitouch interactive wall at :
Cobalt - Edusim is a 3D multi-user virtual world platform and authoring toolkit intended for your classroom interactive whiteboard (but equally powerful on the students laptop or desktop computers !). Cobalt - Edusim has been tested and works on the Smartboard, Activeboard, Interwriter, Polyvision, Mimio, eBeam, and even the Wiimote Whiteboard.
See a demostration of Dr. Xunlei Wu testing Open Cobalt on a multitouch interactive wall at :
Cobalt - Edusim is a 3D multi-user virtual world platform and authoring toolkit intended for your classroom interactive whiteboard (but equally powerful on the students laptop or desktop computers !). Cobalt - Edusim has been tested and works on the Smartboard, Activeboard, Interwriter, Polyvision, Mimio, eBeam, and even the Wiimote Whiteboard.
The Immersive Education Initiative
The Immersive Education Initiative announced that it will launch its series of Immersive Education: Europe events in London this April.
On April 23rd and 24th the London School of Economics (LSE) will host the Immersive Education Initiative's London Summit, a special two-day event showcasing new and emerging virtual worlds, learning games, educational simulations, and related tools, techniques, technologies, standards and best practices.
Designed specifically for educators, researchers, and administrators, the London Summit consists of presentations, panel discussions, break-out sessions and workshops that provide attendees with an in-depth overview of immersive learning platforms and technologies such as The Education Grid, Project Wonderland, Second Life, Croquet and Cobalt, realXtend, Alice, Open Simulator (OpenSim), augmented and mixed reality, and more.
On April 23rd and 24th the London School of Economics (LSE) will host the Immersive Education Initiative's London Summit, a special two-day event showcasing new and emerging virtual worlds, learning games, educational simulations, and related tools, techniques, technologies, standards and best practices.
Designed specifically for educators, researchers, and administrators, the London Summit consists of presentations, panel discussions, break-out sessions and workshops that provide attendees with an in-depth overview of immersive learning platforms and technologies such as The Education Grid, Project Wonderland, Second Life, Croquet and Cobalt, realXtend, Alice, Open Simulator (OpenSim), augmented and mixed reality, and more.
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