Andrew Manches.
"I am currently evaluating novel tangible technologies and evaluating their effectiveness for learning literacy and numeracy in early years and Key Stage 1. This entails research into manipulatives and the theories suggested for their effect on learning.Consequently, my work will lead to the design of a novel digital manipulative that uses embedded technology to augment the learning potential of manipulatives."
PhD Research Student. Learning Sciences Research Institute. Nottingham University
Claire O’Malley
Applied studies of the impact of different media on communication processes and collaborative task performance.
Professor of Learning Science. Learning Sciences Research Institute. Nottingham University'Malley/
Steve Benford
My research addresses advanced interaction and communication technologies for rich and dynamic social interaction. Specific areas of interest include: mixed reality, augmented reality, virtual reality, physical interfaces, distributed systems and their application to entertainment and education.
Professor of Collaborative Computing. Mixed Reality Laboratory. Nottingham University
is an EPSRC-funded Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (IRC) between eight institutions across the UK, which focuses on the integration of physical and digital interaction, particularly for wireless, mobile and ubiquitous applications.