dimarts, 16 de desembre del 2008

Future Lab. Innovation in Education. Bristol (UK)

Project: teaching with games
Teaching with Games was a year-long project investigating the place of mainstream commercial computer games in the classroom. The project aimed to provide practical and informed evidence of the implications and potential of the use of these games in school, and an informed strategy for future educational development requirements, based upon collaborative discussions between industry and the education community.

Teaching with Games: Final report (1mb pdf)
Teaching with Games: Guidance for educators (337kb pdf)
St Johns Student Research Group report (184kb pdf)
Survey on students' attitudes to games and learning (109kb pdf)
Interesant de mirar les preguntes del qüestionari!

Survey on teachers' attitudes to games and learning (123kb pdf)
Interesant de mirar les preguntes del qüestionari!

Teaching with Games presentation at BETT 2007 (10-13 January 2007, 605kb pdf)

Més informació a: http://www.futurelab.org.uk/projects/teaching-with-games

dijous, 4 de desembre del 2008


Andrew Manches.
"I am currently evaluating novel tangible technologies and evaluating their effectiveness for learning literacy and numeracy in early years and Key Stage 1. This entails research into manipulatives and the theories suggested for their effect on learning.Consequently, my work will lead to the design of a novel digital manipulative that uses embedded technology to augment the learning potential of manipulatives."
PhD Research Student. Learning Sciences Research Institute. Nottingham University

Claire O’Malley
Applied studies of the impact of different media on communication processes and collaborative task performance.
Professor of Learning Science. Learning Sciences Research Institute. Nottingham University http://www.psychology.nottingham.ac.uk/staff/Claire.O'Malley/

Steve Benford
My research addresses advanced interaction and communication technologies for rich and dynamic social interaction. Specific areas of interest include: mixed reality, augmented reality, virtual reality, physical interfaces, distributed systems and their application to entertainment and education.
Professor of Collaborative Computing. Mixed Reality Laboratory. Nottingham University http://www.mrl.nott.ac.uk/

is an EPSRC-funded Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (IRC) between eight institutions across the UK, which focuses on the integration of physical and digital interaction, particularly for wireless, mobile and ubiquitous applications. http://www.equator.ac.uk/

The Human-Computer Interaction lab

To study the role technology plays in education and to provide guidelines for creating effective learning environments.

Project MusicBlocks.

MusicBlocks is a toy that enables very young children to create their own compositions by manipulating and rearranging physical blocks.

See all projects at: http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/research/physical.shtml
See video projects at: http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/pubs/video2001.shtml

dimecres, 3 de desembre del 2008

Smart Presenta La Primera Mesa Interactiva Para La Educación Primaria

SMART presenta aquesta taula. Aspectes interessants:

  • accepta entrada simultània d'un nombre virtualment il·limitat de dits o eines de toc.

  • multiusuari

  • caixa d'eines SMART: aplicació que s'executa des de l'ordinador del mestre per tal que puguin personalitzar les aplicacions SMART o crear contingut per al software SMART

  • Notebook

  • Soporta àudio

  • Reconeix el gest

  • Permet ampliar els objectes (al tocar-los amb els dits) i girar-los.

  • Llibreria d'imatges i fons

  • Mida: 73 d'ample i 65 d'alt amb 69 cm. de pantalla en diagonal.

  • Ampli angle de visió

  • .....

  • Inclou un paquet estàndar d'aplicacions interactives.
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