dilluns, 12 de gener del 2009

The use of computer and video games for learning

A review of the literature. Alice Mitchell and Carol Savill-Smith . Ultralab

Dossier de 93 planes: http://www.lsda.org.uk/files/PDF/1529.pdf
Seccions que recomano:

The findings of previous literature reviews/meta-analyses p.4
Opportunities with new and emerging technologies p.22
Engaging adolescents in learning p. 32
What are the recommendations for the planning and design of educational computer games (or ‘edugames’)? p. 47
Suggested areas for further research 61
Method used for finding research studies about learning with computer and video games p. 63

"..there is a lack of studies regarding educational games use by adolescents, some studies have methodological problems, and longitudinal studies are needed." (p.61)